


AUK Protection grundades 2011 som en reaktion på bristen på kvalitet i pilotutrustning och har sedan dess tillhandahållit kvalitetssäkra kläder för piloter och personal inom Search and Rescue samt Svensk Luftambulans.

I skapandet av ny hemsida med tillhörande ny webshop tog vi hänsyn till framförallt två viktiga parametrar – en lättnavigerad kundresa, som skulle leda till köp. Webshopen är utvecklad för att som kund enklare hitta produkter som är lätta att köpa.

Heavily inspired by User Centered Design, scientific research and high performance fabrics, we went into live prototyping with various aircrews throughout Scandinavia.

More than a decade later, we provide garments and accessories for men and women of the air. Based on our core values – safety, comfortability, functionality and style – we develop high performance garments designed for the unique working conditions or our trade. It’s still very personal.

Our main product designs are the result of extensive prototyping in collaboration with active aircrews. We’ve mapped out everything from behavioral patterns to stress factors associated with in-flight or maintenance tasks.

Our garments are cut to perform exceptionally when seated or in crouching position. They are highly breathable and allows for instant climate adjustment. There are no excess fabrics, nothing that obstructs your movement or vision. Snags and nuisances are squared away with, and storage pockets are angled for quick and hassle-free access.

– Michael Elmeskog,
CEO/Founder, AUK Protection

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